Our Hiring Process

Stage 1


Wow! Thanks for taking an interest in joining Medic!
Your resume is now in our systems and will be reviewed by one of our team members, not a machine.

Expect to hear from us by email in 10-14 business days.
Stage 2

HR Interview (Core Competencies Fit)

A quick conversation with one of our HR teammates. Core Competencies fit, and job requirements will be discussed during this call.
Stage 3

Interview with Hiring Manager

An introductory 45-minute casual conversation with someone from our team. That could be one of our Engineering Managers, one of our Software Developers, or our Director of Product Development.
During this video meeting, we will be reviewing your work experiences, talking about your career interests and what you enjoy doing. We also expect to give you time to ask any questions you may have.
Stage 4

Take-Home Exercise

You will receive an email with additional instructions for a Take-Home exercise. We ask that you submit your solution to us within 1 week after receiving the email.
Stage 5

Live Technical Interview

Your interview will be with one of our Quality Assurance Engineers and our Engineering Manager. It will consist of two parts. We will discuss your submitted solution to the take-home exercise. We could also talk through the development of an example feature or request. The feature or request will be fictitious, but similar to what you might find working as part of Medic's QA team.
Stage 6

Offer and references

Stage 7



One of our PeopleOps team members will be reaching out to get your details confirmed for your start date.  

We are super excited for you to join us!